There were lots of other things to take photos of besides the runners . . the first few photos here being of the route followed by the races from Blaxham Grove back to Adderbury . .


These photos of the runners coming up the hill towards Bloxham Grove show you how steep the climb was . .

There came a time when some of the tired water station crew needed to go home . .


by then they'd done most of the hard work and there were just a handful of runners still out on the course . .

All the time I was taking photos of the runners with the mill in the background, I was intrigued by the single poppy growing in the cabbage field . . and here it is . .

I'd read that Adderbury is famous for it's Morris Dancers and although I didn't see any yesterday, this plaque would seem to back that up . .

Back at Race HQ, where the final few runners and walkers were finishing, some of the walkers admire their hard-earned new t-shirts . .

And finally, a couple of the sheep who live in the field where we parked our cars . . nobody seemed to linger very long before leaving . .