• this page connects to 13 pages of thumbnails of the photos I took during the Clanger . .

  • each page has between 30 - 45 thumbnails on it

  • clicking on a thumbnail will open a new window with a larger version of the same photo, where you will have the opportunity to buy the photo if you wish . .

  • for this event only, I'll be donating 50% of my net revenue to the race charity, and I'm also offering the chance to buy all the photos of a runner on disc for £20, with a guaranteed minimum of 8 images . . I've not shown them all but I do have at least 8 images of most runners . .

    the photos are in the order that the runners passed by at the different locations . .

    page 1 shows some photos of a few or the runners setting off . .

pages 2 - 6 show the runners crossing the meadow towards the bridges at Oakley . .

pages 7 - 12 show the runners crossing the meadow towards the bridges at Kempston . .

page 13 shows the last 3 arrivals at Race HQ after I'd returned there from Kempston . .