This is the page where the photos that don't fit anywhere else go . .


. . starting off in this field, just south of Studham . .

. . I only realised that I could see the Half Marathoners running back towards Dunstable over in the field across the road when it was too late to take photos of many of them . .

. . these are the three runners who started late . . working their way up through the runners ahead of them . .

. . back in Dunstable, at the bottom of Whipsnade Road . . I waited for the runners to return . .

. . some multi-tasking . . in the form of navigation . . going on here . .

. . and there are the views, from different parts of the hillside . .

. . with this peculiar rainbow-esque cloud over part of Dunstable . .

. . back for another look at the trees in the field . . and a green footpath snaking across another field . .

. . games of cricket in the afternoon sunshine . . and rain too, inevitably . .

. . and the London Gliding Club . . and across over to Luton in the distance . . and all sorts of other things . .

. . and I'll finish with this shot of the rain tumbling down . . time for me to stop taking photos . .