• this page connects to pages of thumbnails of the photos I took in K3 and K9

  • each page has around 40-50 thumbnails on it

  • clicking on a thumbnail will open a new window with a larger version of the same photo, where you will have the opportunity to buy the photo if you wish . .

in the 3rd kilometre

and in the 9th kilometre . . the runners on the bottom of each page finished in the times alongside the page number, so you should be on the page where the time is the nearest one after yours . . otherwise you'll almost certainly be on the next page

page 5

42.03 page 6 44.28
page 7 46.18 page 8 47.16
page 9 49.20 page 10 50.51
page 11 53.08 page 12 55.00
page 13 56.26 page 14 59.18
page 15 61.13 page 16 65.14
those on page 17 were a little less quick