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race morning started early for some, with Tring's new finish gantry taking shape

Chairman checking things out . . Pam and Mike on car park duty . . marshals arriving

entry on the day was simple . . fill in the form . . pay your money and collect your number and you're
entered into the database . .

lots of conversation . . number pinning and for some, anxiously waiting . .


having been out and marked the course, John briefs the marshals . .


 tea and coffee and stuff to buy . . and the guys from Running Shoes London


plenty of conversation . . and what are these!!??!!

then for me it was off to the end of Marshcroft Lane, where the marshals were waiting expectantly . .


and before very long the runners came down the lane . .

and after they'd all gone . . the traffic got moving again . . looks like some of them had been waiting quite a while!!