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and from Marshcroft Lane I made my way to Pitstone Hill for the beautiful views . .

and more marshals waiting . .

Liz had always wanted a place in the country, but hadn't taken into account the loneliness of the long distance marshall . . (see the white dot!!)

aren't the views wonderful!!


and before long . . the runners started coming by once again . .



 50 minutes later, and almost everyone had gone by . . just the sweeper and his companion to come . .

and so back into the car and back to HQ . . and here's some more of the folk who made the day work so smoothly . .

whilst everywhere you looked there were smiling runners in this year's fab race souvenir t-shirt . .

Kevin and David working on the results . .

Race Director of 10 years Rick hands over to Peter for next year . .

and awards the prizes . .

and we end with the smiling winning Ladies team from Orion AC . . congratulations to them!!