When I arrived at Didcot there was much debate about exactly where the marshal points were located . .

. . and registration was slow but steady . .

. . the marshals' discussion continued outside . .

. . and if this was a website that ran caption competitions, I guess this would be the image from today that I'd employ . .


. . over on the field behind the Leisure Centre . . the finish was all set up and ready . .

. . and the tented village was taking shape . .

. . runners were warming up on their way to the start . .

. . and as the lead cyclist completed his warm up . .

. . the debate about where exactly to marshal continued to rage . .

Others made their way down to the start more sedately . .

. . and soon everyone was lined up behind the start line, ready for their race . .

. . the Mayor sounded the siren . . and the Didcot 5 was off and running . .

. . and whilst these two ladies weren't quite ready when everyone else was, they did their best to catch up . .