I always find lots of other things to take photos of, beside the runners, and this is where I hide them . .

for example, I loved the little score box beside the tree at the boundary edge . .


and felt sorry for this dear old tractor over on the opposite boundary . .

I wished I could hear this conversation as the two late starters passed the marshals, presuming it was a debate on the likely reasons for their late arrival (and departure!) . .

and as I hurried along the course - in the opposite direction to the runners, I wondered how far I could get before they would reach me . . and I enjoyed looking around and seeing everything there was to see, and listening to a Woodpecker hard at work, and Songbirds enjoying the sunny morning . .

It turned out that I didn't have to wait too long before the lead cyclist came into view, with Tom chasing him hard . . and soon there was a line of runners coming by . .

helped on their way by this friendly marshal and her dog, who was a bit bemused by the runners, and the sheep, and the noise, and wisely just sat there and watched . .

these sheep in particular marched down towards the gate a couple of times . . seemingly contemplating a bid for freedom . . but each time thought better of it . .