we couldn't have a Tring Fun Run if people didn't give up their evening to help . . and it's thanks to the teams from Iain Rennie Hospice at Home, who come along and take care of the entries and registration . .


Councillor Ransley, Tring's Mayor, came along and helped with the medals, and if you think keeping a child on a lead is a bit harsh, there is actually a dog in that picture!!

everyone was busy, but not all the time, obviously . .

although some seem to have been busier than others . .

meanwhile Greg lost his shades, Verna lost her children, and goodness knows what Frances was looking for but I hope she found it . .


there's more than one photographer at Tring you know . . and then once the races were finished and we'd cleared up, it was time to eat (I reckon there's at least 4 Tring runners in the 3rd photo) . . and for some of us, a good job done, and time to go home (although many of us seemed to end up going up and down the aisles of Tesco across the road) . .