It was a busy morning at the School as around 300 runners and their supporters turned up to take part in the Thames Meander, and as always there were plenty of old friends to catch up with, and new friendships to make . .

. . there was some queuing necessary to register for the events . .

. . and then there was plenty of room to prepare for the day's adventure . .

There was lots of food around . . some of it waiting to go out to the runners' feed stations on the course . .

. . but some of it was for us to enjoy, either before or after the event . .


. . alothough I really do hope that nobody spoiled this pleasing bit of symmetry . .

Meanwhile, the start and finish area was ready and waiting, and Mike from IEK Chip Timing was ensuring that all his equipment was set up and ready for the day's work . .

. . and as runners began to gather at the start line in the morning sun it was time for me to get down to Kingston Gate to take my first race photos of the day . .