So as we've seen, the marshals were receiving their instructions when I arrived . .

. . and the timing devices were being put in place . .

Elsewhere the water was ready . .

. . not sure what the bands were for, but it was difficult to miss the instructions on how to fit timing chips to shoes . .

. . and the prizes were set out for everyone to admire . .


. . meanwhile more and more runners were arriving and meeting up with old friends . . queuing to register . . and preparing themselves for the next few hours . . at this point I had an accident and dropped - and broke - the camera I use for close up work . . and so many of the following photos are not of the quality I usually show . .

. . I hadn't expected to bump into these friends, who were out for a training run through the Park . . less than 36 hours after we were all together at a wedding . .

. . and at this point it was time for me to get up to Sawyer's Hill . .