• this page connects to 4 pages of thumbnails of the photos taken as you raced towards the finish line . .

  • each page has around 40 thumbnails on it . .

  • clicking on a thumbnail will open a new window with a larger version of the same photo, where you will have the opportunity to buy the photo if you wish . .

. . the last runner on each page finished in the time alongside the page number below, so if you ran a time between 25.17 and 30.31 then you should be on page 3 . .

 . . it's always tricky at an evening event to get a good shot of everyone as you're all running so quickly and the light's gradually failing. Apologies if you can't find your photo, it means that you were either hidden by another runner or that the photo I took of you isn't in focus . .

runners on

page 1

finished in


runners on

 page 2

finished in

runners on page 3 finished in    30.31 runners on page 4 finished soon afterwards